Friday 3 July 2020

Civil Engineering Interview Questions .

Here’s a list of  the most asked C
ivil Engineering Interview Questions and Answers For your civil engineering interview preparation

1) What is the unit weight of Rcc and Pcc ?
Answer :-  RCC :- 2500 KN/m3
                   PCC :- 2400 KN/m3 

2) what is the unit weight of steel ?
 Answer :- 7850 kg /m3 or 78.5 KN/m3 or 785 N/m3

3) How to find weight of steel bar ?
Answer :- weight of steel bar in kg/m = d^2L/162.2

 Where d = diameter of bar
      And L = Length of steel bar in meter

4) what is the compresive strength of brick
Answer :- Fire  brick :- 125 kg/cm2
   1st class brick :- 105 kg/cm2 ( 10.5 N/mm2)
  2nd class brick :- 70 kg /cm2 (7 N/mm2)
  3rd class brick :- 35 Kg/cm2 (3.5N/mm2)

5) What is the slope of the staircase        (According to IS 456 -2000)
  Answer :- Slope of the staircase is between 25 to 40 Degree

6) What do you mean by segregation?
Answer :- Separating out of an ingredients of concrete mix so that mix is no longer in a homogeneous condition It can be manage by reducing height of drop (less then 1 to 1.5 m)

7)  Full form of 1 Bhk ?
Answer :- 1 Bedroom ,1 hall,1 kitchen

8) When we used pile foundation ?
Answer :- When soil bearing capacity is less then 24 khn/m3

9) What is the temperature in which different ingredients of cement is burnt ?
Answer :- 1400 °C

10)  Volume of cement bag ?
Answer :- 0.0347 cubic meter or 1.23 cubic feet

11) What is the list count of theodolite ,Surveyor and prismatic compass ?

Answer :- Theodolite :- 20 sec (20'')
             Surveyor compass :- 30 minute (30')
              Prismatic compass :- 15 minute (15')

12) What is the minimum cover for Footings, slab,beam column ?
  Answer :- Footing :- 50 mm
                   Column :- 40 mm
                    Slab :-   20 mm
                  Beam :- 25 mm

13) What is the tensile strength /flexural strength/modulas of rupture of concrete ?
Answer :- tensile strength /flexural strength/modulas of rupture of concrete is 0.7√fck

14)  What do you mean by characteristics load ?
Answer :- Characteristics load is  the value of load which have 95 % probability of not being exceed during the life of structure. Characteristics load(F) = Fm + 1.65 standard deviation

15 ) What is value of short term and long term modulas of elasticity of concrete ?
Answer :-
short term modulas of elasticity (Ec) = 5000√fck
Long term modulas of elasticity (Ecl) = Ec/(1+©)
           Where © = creep coefficient

16)  How many days you can use cement from date of manufacturing ?
 Answer :- 3 Month

17)  How many mm in 1 soot ?
 Anser :- 3.17 mm

18) How many Km in 1 mile ?
Answer :- 1.609 Km

19) Length of gunter chain ?
Answer :- 66 feet or 20.12 miter

20) Name the survey which are used to boundary of the state ,filed and houses ?
 Answer :- Cadastral surveys

21) proportion of M20 ,and M25 group ?
Answer :- M20 :- 1:1.5:30
                   M25 :- 1:1:2

22) what is the full form of DPR ?
Answer :- Detailed project report

 23) What is the difference between column and strut ?
Answer :- Coloumn is a vertical compresive member and strut is the inclined  or horizontal compresive member and short in length as compare to Column .

24) What is the common method of curing of concrete ?
Answer :-
1) Ponding with water
2) Covering concrete with wet jute begs
3) Covering concrete with wet sand
4) Intermittent spraying with water
5) Covering concre with water proof paper
6)  Applying curing compound

25) What are the types of foundation usepaper construction ?
   Answer :- There are two types of foundation used in construction

  1) shallow foundation :- If depth of foundation is less then to its witdth (D<W)
  Example :- a) spread footing foundation
                       b) R.C.C. spread footing
                    c) Combined footing foundation
                       d) Grillage foundation
                         e) Stepped footing
                         f) Raft Foundation
2) Deep Foundation :- If depth of foundation is greater then ro its width (D> B)
    Example :- a) Pile foundation
                         b) Caisson foundation

26) Where we used deep foundation ?
 Answer :-We used deep foundation
                      a) In a Weak soil
                       b) In structures with heavy loads or uneven loads
                       c) In black Cotton soil
                      d) In places with water erosion

27) Types of Concrete admixture ?
 Answer :- a) Plasticizers (water reducers)
                    b) Super -Plasticizers
                    c) Retarders
                    d) Accelators
                    f) Air engraining agent
                    g) Pozolanic admixture

28)  What is the weight of First class brick ?           
Answer  :- Weight of first class brick
                   is 3.85 Kg

29) What is the full form of OPC and PPC ?
Answer :-  OPC :- Ordinary Portland cement
                  PPC :- Pozzolanic Portland cement

30)  What is the full form form of FAR,FSR,FAI ?
 Answer :- FAR :- Floor area ratio
                   FSR :- Floor space ratio
                  FAI :- Floor area index.

 31) What is standard floor to floor height ?
Answer :- Floor to floor height is generally taken 3 Miter(10 feet)

32)  what is the minimum height of parapet wall ?
Answer :- 1.1 miter (3.60 Feet)

33) What is the height of stairs rise and what is the width of Trade ?
Answer :- Rise of stair :- 15 -18 CM
                  Trade of stair :- 25 - 27 CM

34) Name the test of cement which is done on the field?
Answer :- a) Temperature test
                   b) Presence of umps test
                   c) Colour test
                   d) Adulteration test
                   e) Float test
                   f) Setting time test
                   g) Strength test
                    h) Date of packaging test

35) What do You mean by carpet area ?
Answer :- Livable area of building at any floor level excluding the area occupied by wall it is generally taken 50 to 65 percent of Plinth area

36) Proportion of cement concrete or grade of cement concrete  in foundation ?
Answer :-  M7.5 (1:4:8) to M5(1:5:10)

37) Where is D.P.C is Provide ?
Answer :- D.P.C is provided in plinth level (Thickness of DP is generally taken 2.5 CM (1 inch)

38) What is the density of cement ?
Answer :- Density of cement is 1440 Kg/m3

39) What is the full form of H.Y.S.D and C.T.D. bar ?
 Answer :- H.Y.S.D :-High yield strength deformed bar
             C.T.D.  :- Cold twisted deformed  bar

40) which are the most commonly Bond used in brick masonry ?
 Answer :- a) English bond
                    b) Flemish bond
                    c) Stretcher bond
                    d) Header bond

41) What do You mean by buildup area ?
Answer :- Buildup area is a carpet are + area of wall or duct + Half of the area of terrace
      (Buildup area is usually 10 percent more then carpet area.)

42)  Minimum grade of concrete used in RCC structure ?
 Answer :- M20 (1:1.5:3)

43) What is the minimum time of removing of shuttering ?
Answer :- a) side of wall, column and outer side of beam :- 24 to 48 hours
                b) Soffit of beam :- 7 days
                c) Removal of props of slab and beam
                    i) If span is greater then 6 Miter  = 21 days
                   ii) If span is less then or equal to 6 miter = 14 days

44)  What tests are done on concrete ?
Answer :- Following Test done on concrete
                a) Slump cone test
                b) Compressive strength test
                c) Water permeability test
                d) Water absorption test

45) What is initial and final setting timw of cement ?
Answer :- Initial setting time of cement :- 30 to 90 mintue
    Final setting time of cement :- 600 mintue (10 hours)

46) In cantilever beam where is tension and and compression Zone ?
Answer :- In cantilever beam Tension zone is Top side of beam
And Compression zone is bottom side of beam

47)  What do you mean by bleeding of concrete ?
Answer :- Separation of cement paste from the mix  in the case of lean and wet mix termed bleeding

48) What Is guniting ?
Answer :- It is a process in which mixture of cement sand in proportion of 1:3 is shorted on concrete surface with the help of gun pressure of 1 to 3 kg/m2.

49) What is the standard or nominal and modular size of brick ?
Answer :-
Standard or nominal size of brick :- 190×90×90 mm
 Modular size of brick or with motar size of brick:- 200×100×100 mm

50) Difference between one way slab and two way slab ?
 Answer :-

One way slab = longer span / shorter span  (is greater then or equal to 2)

 Two way slab = longer span /shorter span (is less then 2 )